Van tekst naar video

Sinds begin 2023 lees ik vrijwel alleen nog Engelstalige boeken in het fantasy-genre. Een van de gevolgen daarvan is dat ik geen geschreven leeservaringen meer maak. In plaats daarvan documenteer ik mijn ervaringen als lezer in videovorm. Hiertoe heb ik een YouTube-kanaal opgericht: @DutchGreyBeard.  Op dat kanaal doe ik verslag van mijn reis in het genre van de fantasy. Het archief van mijn geschreven leeservaringen blijft beschikbaar op deze website. Nieuwe content bestaat uit verwijzingen naar mijn video's op YouTube.


Since the beginning of 2023, I have almost exclusively read English-language books in the fantasy genre. One of the consequences of this is that I no longer create written reading experiences. Instead, I document my experiences as a reader in video form. To this end I have set up a YouTube channel: @DutchGreyBeard. On that channel I tell people about my journey into the fantasy genre. The archive of my written reading experiences remains available on this website. New content consists of references to my videos on YouTube.

What's happening on @DutchGreyBeard?

Below I've highlighted just a handful of my video's from the last four months.


Check out all of my video's.

Reading Vlog of 'A Memory of Light' (Wheel of Time #14) - Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson


June 10


On May 14 I started reading the final book in The Wheel of Time, 'A Memory of Light'. That is one year and 4 months after I started reading the first book in this series, which in my case was New Spring, the sequel to The Eye of the World. 

This is a very important book for me, and because of that I want to give it extra attention. I have made a reading vlog of this important read.

The Lies of Locke Lamora, Scott Lynch - (Buddy) Reading Experience (spoiler-free)


May 22


In the month of April I did a buddy-read of Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora, the first book in The Gentlemen Bastards series.


Interesting to see how two people have different experiences of the same book.

My Journey Into Fantasy, Update nr 4


April 29


This channel is mainly about my journey into fantasy. My rediscovery of the genre happened in January of 2023. Since then every four months I make an update on my progress on this amazing journey. This video is update number 4, 16 months into this voyage.


Read-What-You-Own Challenge


March 21


Inspired by Olly from  @CriminOllyBlog  I decided to have my own Read-What-You-Own Challenge. It is time to make a serious attempt at kicking my book buying addiction.